Sherwood Hills Golf Club

“One of the Most Difficult Courses in Cavite”

This Jack Nicklaus designed course aims to capture the vast array of fairways, and difficult high rise bunker shots surrounding the green. The most difficult part of Sherwood would be the fast greens, and surrounding ravines making every shot decisive. The innate landscape delivers a substantial breeze that matches the link style layout of the course. Golfers pursuing this wonderful terrain will definitely find a challenge worth facing head on and experience a world-class golf course in Cavite that delivers a championship layout noted by locals, professionals alike.

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ten + fourteen =

  1. Fadzil Mairon says:

    I would like to avail of your package for 12golfers (3 flights)
    on the 21Jan19

    kindly advise

  2. Eric Chang says:

    Can you arrange a three late afternoon (after 2PM) rounds for a single player at Sherwood hills with preferably on site accommodations from feb. 13th-16th, thanks.